How to configure your custom roslyn analyzer using an .editorconfig file

Roslyn Analyzers are extensions that analyze source code and report violations. Some analyzers are built-into VS and some are third party ones which can be installed (like StyleCopyAnalyzers, FxCopAnalyzers, etc.). On today’s post I will show you how you can configure your custom roslyn analyzers with an .editorconfig file.
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Testing out the Azure Static Web Apps service. Let’s try to deploy this blog into an static web app

I been wanting to try Azure Static Web Apps for quite some time and I thought that instead of deploying some dummy static site I could use my blog as a test subject, so let’s do it!
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An opinionated approach about how to create an AWS ECS Fargate cluster and deploy apps on it using Azure DevOps Pipelines

These past couple of weeks I’ve been tinkering with AWS ECS Fargate and after losing some time tackling different approaches I thought it might be useful to write down what I ended up building, so without further ado let’s dig in.
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Answering some basic questions about registering applications on Azure Active Directory

These past years I worked with a few companies that uses Azure Active Directory to perform authentication and authorization on their line-of-business (LOB) applications and from time to time I get questions about how to register apps on AAD. Those questions are always pretty similar and most of the time the problem lies in some misconception, so I thought it might be a good idea to try to answer some of them and at the same time write them down in this post.
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Provisioning resources on AWS using AWS CDK and Azure DevOps Pipelines

In today’s post I will show you how you can deploy an AWS CDK application using Azure DevOps.
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